資本市場顧問有限公司(Capital Markets Advisors, Inc.)是由納斯達克(NASDAQ)的創建人之一約翰.沃爾先生(Mr. John Wall)和一批國際資本市場的權威人士發起成立的。我們以無可比擬的業務網絡、人脈關係和經驗在成功的企業家、政府管理部門、金融機構和全球資本市場之間搭起了一座橋樑,提供獨一無二的權威諮詢服務。
Any information or data provided on this web site has been obtained from sources Capital Markets Advisors, Inc. believes to be reliable, however we do not guarantee its accuracy or completeness. Such information reflects current market conditions and is subject to change without notice. The information contained herein is not intended to be, and should not be construed as a recommendation regarding a potential purchase of securities or the rendering of risk or investment advice.